The Marvel Symphonic Universe - Finding out why Marvel film scores are forgettable.

This in depth video takes a look at how music can create memorable moments in film and can within itself change the tone of a scene. More specifically, this video takes a look at the one area where the Marvel Cinematic Universe ultimately fails, it's film scores.
"Off the top of your head, could you sing the theme from Star Wars? How about James Bond? Or Harry Potter? But here’s the kicker: can you sing any theme from a Marvel film? Despite 13 films and 10 billion dollars at the box office, the Marvel Cinematic Universe lacks a distinctive musical identity or approach. So let’s try to answer the question: what is missing from Marvel music?"
Despite creating box office smash hits and being extremely popular with fans, the music in Marvel films is usually lacking. Do not get me wrong, there are some great musical pieces in the MCU but they are often not used properly, which is also noted in this video. This video also does a great job at pointing out that the lack luster music used is not the fault of the composers but instead the product of Marvel falling into old film habits without taking too much risk.

Watch the film below and see what you think for yourself.

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Source: YouTube - Every Frame a Painting


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