Zack Snyder has released an HD version of the Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice trailer!

In order to get ahead of yesterday's leak director Zack Snyder has released an HD version of the Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice trailer! There are a lot of interesting things shown in this teaser trailer but you know that everyone is checking out Ben Affleck as Batman. Since Day 1 of his casting I have been saying not to judge him until you actually see him in the part. He looks great in the suit at the 1:32 mark (he really put on some muscle) but the "Batman voice" that he uses at the end of the trailer sounds a little off for me. Perhaps he is trying to sound deeper, and more threatening, because it is a big confrontation with Superman. We'll have to wait and see.

There are things I like and things that bother me (will touch on this in a different article) but overall it is a cool trailer that puts forward some interesting themes that will be touched on in the film. Enjoy the trailer below!

Source: Twitter - Zack Snyder
