Sesame Street released a funny Avengers: Age of Ultron parody titled The Aveggies: Age of Bon Bon!

Another amazing parody has been released by Sesame Street and this time they have focused their attention on Marvel's Avengers: Age of Ultron. The new parody is titled "Aveggies: Age of Bon Bon". It follows the adventures of Dr. Brownie, Onion Man, Captain Americauliflower, Black Bean Widow, Mighty Corn, and Zuchin-eye!
"A super villain was prepared to destroy all the healthy foods in the world, until one hero, actually, several heroes stuck together to save the world's vegetables! Together, Dr. Brownie, Onion Man, Captain Americauliflower, Black Bean Widow, Mighty Corn, and Zuchin-eye are...The Aveggies!"
The parody is fantastic and I love that you have to wait to see "the hulk" just like you do in the real film. Well done!

A big thank you goes out to my girlfriend, Jackie, for showing me this video!

Source: YouTube - Sesame Street


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