Watch the animated hilarity of "Twitch plays Pokemon" Part 1! [video]

What do you get when you get a couple hundred people (thousand?) all trying to play the same Pokemon game at the same time? The absolute best version of Pokemon ever. "Twitch plays Pokemon" quickly became popular by gamers everywhere to participate in and even just watch.
"Twitch Plays Pokemon was a live stream that lets you play Pokemon collaboratively with a lot of other people by typing commands into chat. ~ Hilarity ensued, and I would like to make an animation series based on it, to keep 'T.P.P' in memory. 

This will hopefully be a fully animated version of the original Twitch plays Poke'mon Red, following all the funniest parts that happened in the stream. This part 1 consists of the lost days, the days that were not documented. There will be a part for each GYM badge, and one big finale' for the Elite four and champ :D"
This animated version of Twitch plays Pokemon is absolutely hilarious and shows off what the game looked like perfectly. I'm hoping that Part 2 is created soon! Enjoy!

Source: YouTube - lightsen
