Dora the Explorer and the Destiny Medallion - Part 1! [video]

Alright, Dora fans, it's finally here! College Humor has posted Part 1 of their live action web series Dora the Explorer and the Destiny Medallion! Part 1 is just over two minutes long and is quite funny! However, given the short length I can tell that this web series will be best when watched all together in one shot. (That's if the other parts are just as short.) All the same this was very funny and definitely worth checking out. Ariel Winter as Dora does a brilliant job and nails the delivery of the character. I can't wait to see how she does as the action picks up in Parts 2 and 3. Enjoy Part 1!

Dora the Explorer and the Destiny Medallion Part 2 will be out on March 26!

Source: College Humor
