First official image of the new TARDIS interior on Doctor Who is released by the BBC!

It's finally here!! The BBC has released the first official image of the new TARDIS interior that will be seen on the "The Snowmen", the Christmas Special of the sci-fi show Doctor Who! Thanks to our friends at Blogtor Who you can see the great image below.

The photo features Matt Smith, the Doctor, standing in his new TARDIS console room that has a throwback look to the classics. (It also looks like the interior to the carnival ride The Gravitron!) I think it looks incredible. Buttons, levers, and switches can be seen every in this picture and I can't wait to see what they all do. I'm also curious what the panel on the left side of the photo does.

Many fans are wondering why the show has decided to change the TARDIS interior now and not wait a little longer before doing it. This is the perfect time however. When we see the Doctor in "The Snowmen" it appears that quite some time has passed since Amy and Rory have left him and we are about to get a new companion. So the timing is perfect to change the interior. The new companion will enter the TARDIS and have it just be ... the TARDIS. Not a new TARDIS.

So what do you think of the new interior?

*Click image to enlarge.

Source: BlogtorWho
