The Batmobile - a documentary on Batman's iconic car! [video]

One of the most, if not the most, iconic cars in comic history is Batman's Batmobile. The Batmobile first appeared in Detective Comics #27 (May, 1939) and has been a staple of Batman stories ever since. Thanks to this documentary, fans can now dive into the history of the Batmobile from the comics and television shows to films and cartoons. Although the full documentary doesn't come out until the holiday season of 2012, you can watch this 21 minute shortened version that still shows you some great behind the scenes looks at the design process and creation of each individual Batmobile. If this is just a preview of the full version then I cannot wait until this holiday season!

I've always really enjoyed Tim Burton's Batmobile from the original Batman but my all time favorite has always been the Batman: The Animated Series Batmobile.What Batmobile stands out as your all time favorite?

Source: Comic Book Movie
