Classic Doctor Who villain returns after 38 years!

The Ice Warriors
*Spoilers ahead*

Doctor Who fans rejoiced after they recently found out that the classic Doctor Who villains the Yeti and the Zygons would be returning to the show. But it was just revealed that another classic villain would be making their return to the show.

This time the show is ready to bring back the well known humanoids from Mars known as the Ice Warriors. This villain hasn't been seen since 1974 when John Pertwee was running around as the 3rd incarnation of the Doctor but fans have never forgotten them.
"They are making their return in 2013 – the 50th anniversary of the show which now stars Matt Smith, 29. The Ice Warriors will be among the first creatures encountered by the Time Lord’s new companion, played by Jenna, 26, following her arrival in the Christmas Day special."
Fans of the current series who may not have ventured into the classic seasons yet may still recognize the name of the Ice Warriors as they were referenced by 10th Doctor David Tennant in The Waters of Mars. The Doctor spoke about how he suspected that the Ice Warriors had found the Flood and froze it there on Mars so that it did not infect their race.

So what do you think of this new announcement? Excited to hear about another classic villain returning?

Source: Daily Star
