Lucas Makes Further Changes to 'Star Wars' for Blu-Ray

The Star Wars community is used to George Lucas making changes to their favorite film franchise but when does it become too much? Dedicated fan sites have been combing through the new Star Wars blu-ray set and have begun to notice some changes that really stand out. Some of the changes aim to fix certain scenes while others may leave fans confused.

In The Phantom Menace the puppet version of  Yoda has been removed and replaced with a new CGI version.
I suppose this fits in better with the prequel trilogy Yoda but I like Puppet Yoda so I don't know how I feel about this.

In Return of the Jedi when Darth Vader thrown the Emperor down the Death Star's reactor shaft he will now screams, "Noooo!" that is very reminiscent of Episode III. He can listen to a short audio clip of that here.
Seriously, Lucas?? Seriously? *hangs head*

In The Empire Strikes Back we see Luke get attacked by a sweeping Wampa arm. For 30 years the scene remained unchanged even though the puppeteer working the arm pushed it too far into frame and we can see the pole attached to the arm. This has been fixed and the arm has been extended to fill the screen.
Great fix, good job.

In A New Hope when Obi-Wan makes his entrance he scares off the Tusken Raiders by imitating the call of a Krayt Dragon (the animal Obi-Wan rides in Revenge of the Sith). However this piece of audio has also been slightly changed to the following audio clip.
This just sounds kind of bizarre now. I'll have to wait and see it with the video clip.

During the 2004 restoration of the films some of the coloring became uneven which fans pointed out was quite noticeable in the lightsabers. Lucas fixed this problem for the blu-ray set and you can see that the lightsabers have been brightened and have their hot core again. In the picture the 2004 version is on top with the blu-ray fix underneath.
It's weird that fans complained so much about this but the updated version does look nice.

Return of the Jedi introduced us to the Ewoks on the forest moon of Endor. As you can see in the clip below Wicket now blinks!
Okay, I understand this is a small change and makes the Ewoks more 'realistic' but it concerns one of my favorite characters ever. I don't know how to feel. But I will say this, "Leave Wicket alone!"

Source: GeekTyrant
Source: Blu-Ray Forums


  1. I don't want Yoda changed. That's upsetting. :(

  2. those too are completly diffrent the old yoda doll looks better than the one in The Phantom menance


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