Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse featurette focuses on embracing imperfection in the film's unique art style.

Check out this fun behind the scenes featurette from Sony Pictures that takes a closer look at their film Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse. The featurette is titled "Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse - Embracing Imperfections" and focuses on the art of the film. The art style for this film is one of the aspects that made it stand out above all other animated films, eventually helping it grab the Oscar for Best Animated Feature.

It is explained in the video that the art team wanted to bring back the human element to art, having their artists sit down and actually draw out scenes and not rely on computers to do everything for them perfectly. The combined effort of line drawing with computer graphics gave this film a truly refreshing feel.

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Source: YouTube - Sony Pictures Entertainment
