BBC announces that Doctor Who Season 12 is delayed until 2020!

Fans were momentarily rejoicing when it was announced that Jodie Whittaker would return as the Doctor in Season 12 of Doctor Who until a new announcement overshadowed the news.

It has officially been announced that the new season of Doctor Who will not return until 2020. This may be my own personal opinion but it feels like the BBC is trying to ruin their hit show. Season 10 ended on July 1, 2017 and fans had to wait until October 7, 2018 to see a new episode. Putting the show on hiatus for over a year seemed harsh at the time but the BBC is doing it again! I don't know what the BBC is thinking here but this is not a smart move.

How do you feel about the decision to delay the next season until 2020?

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Source: Twitter - Doctor Who Official
