RBS' Cosplay Closet - New York Comic Con 2014! [video]

New York Comic Con 2014 brought out some of the best cosplays that the tri-state area has to offer. (And in some cases much farther!) I had an amazing time at NYCC this year and have found two fantastic cosplay videos that show off what New York has to offer the cosplay world. The first video was created by Close Quarters Cosplay and is your standard cosplay music video while the second was created by Comics and Cosplay and puts a flirtatious spin on the normal cosplay music video. I have to say that it is a lot of fun to see many of my friends in these videos. They did an amazing job on their cosplays.

Stay tuned, I'll have my convention review and photos up very soon!

Source: YouTube - Close Quarters Cosplay
Source: YouTube - Comics and Cosplay


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