Meet David Morrissey as The Walking Dead's Governor in his first official photo
The Governor from The Walking Dead comics |
"The Governor in the show is definitely going to be The Governor in the comic," Kirkman told us following the Season 2 finale. "I think that he's definitely going to be a character that people love to hate and are absolutely entertained by, but also somewhat terrified of. He's definitely going to be a very important character and a very nuanced character. We are not going to be watering him down."At first glance at the photo, I am just not sure what to think. My initial reaction to the casting remains the same as I always pictured the Governor as a Hispanic character. I don't know why but he always looked like it to me. Secondly, David Morrissey in this picture is just to 'clean' to really capture the Governor for me.
Source: TV Guide
I don't read the comics but I'm excited about having a new bad guy to hate! :D